About Us

Smooth and aromatic, savoring every moment

At Bakeo House, We believed in creating not just pastries, but moments of pure joy Each recipe was carefully crafted with love,using the finest ingredients. We aimed to provide our customers with a unique taste and delightful experience, when you bite into our cookies, you'll experience a special kind of happiness where 'Happiness tastes different

Our Story

  • Bakeo House began in 2020, We started small, baking from our homes and selling our treats at local markets and events.Over time, we gained a reputation for quality and customer satisfaction, which led to a growing fan base.

  • To meet the rising demand, we expanded and launched our online store in 2021.Today, Bakeo House is a beloved destination for cookie lovers, known for our commitment to using the finest ingredients and traditional baking methods.

  • At Bakeo House, we offer a wide variety of delicious cookies to suit every taste.From classics like butter cookies to nutty varieties and seasonal specials, there's something for everyone. We take pride in using high-quality, locally sourced ingredients to ensure every bite is a delightful experience.

  • Bakeo House is about more than just cookies.We provide special services like event catering, personalized gift boxes, and crafting confections for weddings and celebrations.Our team works closely with you to turn your vision into a tasty reality, making your special occasions truly memorable.